Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 18: From Gillette, WY to Newcastle, WY: 76 miles

Happy 4th of July!!
                                   Ride began nice and cool with some cloud coverage

                                        The rays are shining down to reach the lone cow

    Nelle had an amazing outfit and when she pulled us I couldn't help but think of leader Uncle Sam

So it's funny how our 70 something days have also been viewed (at least in my mind) as 'short' days. We started off strong and got in 27 miles at a 20mph pace but unfortunately, a head wind hit us after lunch and slowed us down quite a bit. We took our time and Nelle, Melanie, and I made many stops on the latter half of the ride but still got to camp by noon. One of our checkpoints was near some horses and Nelle coerced them into walking over with some grass and we were able to pet them. There are fireworks at a fairground near here so hopefully we can catch them. We are staying at a Senior Center Recreation Center and I am very bummed there is no Bingo due to the holiday. 



  1. Can you just jump on the horse and take him to DC ??? Gorgeous sun ray pics!!!

  2. Was reading/enjoying your blog entries -> great pictures and articles. Keep your adventure going!

    Todd Apley (rode with you on first day...)
