Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 11: From Avon, MT to Townsend, MT: 61 miles

So today was probably my favorite ride thus far (aside from day 1). I cannot decide if it was because of the gorgeous blue skies, of my Justin Timberlake and Michael Jackson pandora playing on phone speakers, of the beautiful scenery, or because it was only 61 miles. We had an 11 mile climb to cross the continental divide and ended up at over 6,000 ft of elevation at McDonald's Pass. Then we had a 12 mile descent and I was still too scared to not touch the brakes so I only got up to 39.8 while others reached around 45mph.

Obligatory wildlife pics for Brett and Sarah

note the white horse in the back rolling around having a grand ole time


 Our typical lunch spread: we have PBJ all day err day (note:pie)

When we were descending the curvy road lined by forestry with the sun beating down on us, I could see a line of cyclists move down the mountain. I then began to think how thankful I am that my body is allowing me to do this (no shoulder pain today!!). I am strong enough to get up and ride an average of 83 miles a day for 7 weeks. I am fortunate enough to be seeing the world by bike, to literally be in a different place every second, to cross towns that I will never see again, to sometimes go through whole cities without even setting a foot on the ground or releasing a carbon emission. Thank you body for my health, strength, and endurance. Anything is possible with mental determination, perseverance, and support. I am convinced anyone can do this ride and you will love your body so much more because you realize what it is capable of doing. Fitness used to be a chore but now it is something I thrive on, something that if I miss makes me grumpy, something that allows me to indulge in desserts, and something that truly makes me happy. I want to be outside, in the sunshine, as much as possible and to be on a trip that allows, and even moreso, encourages me to do this is extraordinary.

   Laura heading into Townsend


  1. Love your pictures, I feel like I am on the trip with you!! Keep up the good work! ps I love your piggy tails :) :)

  2. WOW !!!! I'm actually speechless for once :)
